Exhaust Servo Buddy Ducati / Monster 821 / 2017

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  • $69.95

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  • Brand Woodcraft

The Servo Buddy is THE solution to the common problem of what to do about the factory exhaust valve and servo motor system.

Completely eliminating the motor, valve, cables, etc. not only drops weight and frees up valuable space, but utilizing the Servo Buddy improves reliability by eliminating the common issue of the factory servo motor gears stripping out, or the motor burning up.

Servo Buddy utilizes OEM wire harness connectors providing a secure connection with no wire cutting. Most motorcycles will throw an FI code when the stock exhaust is removed. Servo Buddy cures this issue. This allows the rider to see if there is an actual problem when the FI light comes on, not due to an exhaust valve code

  • Make/Model/Year
    Ducati / Supersport / 2017, Ducati / Supersport / 2018, Ducati / Supersport / 2019, Ducati / Supersport / 2024, Ducati / Supersport / 2023, Ducati / Supersport / 2022, Ducati / Supersport / 2021, Ducati / Supersport / 2020, Ducati / Supersport S / 2017, Ducati / Supersport S / 2018, Ducati / Supersport S / 2019, Ducati / Supersport S / 2020, Ducati / Supersport S / 2022, Ducati / Supersport S / 2021, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 / 2015, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 / 2016, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 / 2017, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 S / 2015, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 S / 2016, Ducati / Multistrada 1200 S / 2017, Ducati / Monster 821 / 2017, Ducati / Monster 821 / 2018, Ducati / XDiavel / 2016, Ducati / XDiavel / 2017, Ducati / XDiavel / 2018, Ducati / XDiavel / 2019, Ducati / XDiavel / 2020, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2017, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2016, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2018, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2019, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2020, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2023, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2022, Ducati / XDiavel S / 2021, Ducati / Diavel 1260 / 2019, Ducati / Diavel 1260 / 2022, Ducati / Diavel 1260 / 2021, Ducati / Diavel 1260 / 2020, Ducati / Diavel 1260 S / 2019, Ducati / Diavel 1260 S / 2020, Ducati / Diavel 1260 S / 2022, Ducati / Diavel 1260 S / 2021, Ducati / Panigale V2 / 2020, Ducati / Panigale V2 / 2022, Ducati / Panigale V2 / 2023, Ducati / Panigale V2 / 2024, Ducati / Panigale V2 / 2021, Ducati / Monster 821 / 2019, Ducati / Multistrada 950 / 2020, Ducati / Monster 1200S / 2017, Ducati / Monster 1200S / 2018, Ducati / Monster 1200S / 2019, Ducati / Monster 1200 / 2017, Ducati / Monster 1200 / 2018, Ducati / Monster 1200 / 2019, Ducati / Monster 1200R / 2017, Ducati / Monster 1200R / 2018, Ducati / Monster 1200R / 2019, Ducati / Monster 1200 25 ANNIVERSARIO / 2018, Ducati / Monster 1200 25 ANNIVERSARIO / 2019, Ducati / Monster 821 / 2015, Ducati / Monster 821 / 2016, Ducati / Multistrada 1260 / 2019, Ducati / Multistrada 1260 / 2018, Ducati / Streetfighter 848 / 2015, Ducati / Streetfighter 848 / 2014, Ducati / Streetfighter 848 / 2013, Ducati / Streetfighter 848 / 2012
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  • Product
    Exhausts & Air Filters
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Product questions

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  • Qi Wang
    Apr 13, 2022, 11:08:08 AM

    Hello, is this servo buddy plug in the servo motor connector or OBD connector in passenger seat? The connector looks different from bike at servo motor.


    Apr 22, 2022, 04:14:35 PM

    Qi, this will plug directly into the connector that the OEM Flapper/servo motor was plugged into on the bike. Most of the time it is located under the seat but not always. You should be able to trace the cables from the flapper valve on the exhaust back to where the motor is located.

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